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Fractional jobs

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Wherever you are in life - starting out in your career, a regular nine-to-fiver, or starting your own business, you may sometimes wonder what else is out there. 

Well, there is a new buzz word in town - fractional jobs. It is what it sounds like - people who fraction out their time and provide professional services for different projects - and is part of a wave that has transformed work as we know it. 

These positions are often part-time, contract-based or project-specific and typically refer to more senior white-collar jobs (think chief marketing officers, chief financial officers, or consultants). 

You may not be at the stage yet where you’re thinking about a fractional job but this trend just might change your career trajectory faster than you think! 

So what are fractional jobs?

You can think of fractional jobs like dim sum or a Spanish meal of tapas. Instead of committing to a full course - or a full-time position in just one company - you are able to sample across a variety of projects and businesses. 

The allure of variety and flexibility of working in different roles and industries is one of the big reasons why the gig economy - of which fractional jobs are a subset - is on the rise. 

The gig economy is ultimately about flexibility, freedom, and being your own boss. Choose what you want: be it short-term contracts, freelance gigs, or even fractional jobs.

The hustle in numbers


That’s the percentage of people aged 15 to 24 who are engaged in side hustles. Based on our survey of 1,300 people for our GXS Progress Quotient 2024, this segment of the population were the most likely to be earning an alternative income stream. This likely reflects their desire for supplementary income to pursue personal development and passion projects. 


Of those aged 25 to 34, one in four had ongoing side hustles. But what caught our attention is that a whopping 54 per cent said they might consider a side hustle. How might this change the gig economy in the coming years? 


That’s the percentage of people aged 25 to 34 who are considering a side hustle. We think this number will only increase in the coming years as side hustles become more prevalent.

Think you’re ready to hustle? In the coming weeks we are going to talk about why this is an exciting time for the gig economy and how it might be a great option for you.