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In today’s dynamic job market, individuals might find themselves juggling multiple fractional and gig jobs. This lifestyle can be demanding but it can also be incredibly fulfilling, especially when each role brings something unique and valuable to one’s life.

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In today’s dynamic job market, individuals might find themselves juggling multiple fractional and gig jobs. This lifestyle can be demanding but it can also be incredibly fulfilling, especially when each role brings something unique and valuable to one’s life. 

Here at GXS Bank we’re all about pushing boundaries and empowering you so you can fully embrace opportunities as they come. So here are some tips to make sure you aren’t being stretched too thin. 

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed

Running multiple jobs can take its toll on your physical and mental health. Are you someone who thrives on the excitement of multiple deadlines and are you able to switch your focus quickly? If the answer is yes, you might be more cut out for the entrepreneurial and gig economy life than most. And if the answer is no, it might be worth taking a step back, putting more thought into the planning process to make sure you don’t tire yourself out too early. As with most jobs, this too will take time to build and take root so make sure you’re ready for the long haul.

Time management is key

Create a schedule that allocates dedicated time for each job. This can help prevent overlap and ensure you’re not constantly working late nights. A useful tip might be to use a time-tracking app to see where your time goes and adjust accordingly. Evaluate if all your jobs are necessary for financial stability. If one of them isn’t as crucial, consider reducing your hours or taking a break from it. 

Keep an eye on your finances

Tap on high-interest savings accounts in Singapore. Some factors to consider when looking for a bank account that could work for you include no initial deposit and minimum balance requirements or fall-below fees, and whether the bank has a user-friendly online platform that can help you save time. 

By the way, the GXS Savings Account checks all of the above! It offers 2.38% interest per annum on your Main Account and 2.68% interest per annum on your Savings Pockets which is credited daily instead of monthly. You can also watch your money grow with the new Boost Pocket feature which offers up to 3.48% per annum for spare cash*. 

What’s the plan? 

Take time to look up from the day-to-day hustling and invest in softer factors such as the size (and quality) of your network as well as your pitching skills since how quickly you are able to find leads and subsequently convert them into clients will all depend on you. Having a basic understanding of business taxes and personal taxes and how to run a business might also prove useful. 

Lastly, remember that it’s okay to pivot and change. The beauty of the hustle is the flexibility they offer and if you find one path more fulfilling than the other, you can always shift your focus. So embrace the chaos but also find moments of calm. Your unique career tapestry is something to be proud of. Keep working at it! 

*As of 18 September 2024. For the latest updates and information on the GXS Savings Account, please go to the GXS Bank website and click on the Save tab.