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A Singaporean love story.

Saving is simple
with GXS
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Money is a part of our life. It can be a boost in our lives, just like being in a healthy, thriving relationship. 

But do you and money have a healthy, thriving relationship?

Not if you’re like the 3 in 5 of Singaporeans from our GXS Progress Quotient survey who feel stressed and anxious when faced with a financial decision.

Like any relationship worth having, you’ve got to work at it. Here’s our take on how you can make this relationship work better for you. 

Deepen the relationship

Invest time to better understand your relationship with money. It’s never too late to bulk up on your financial literacy. Growing these muscles will only make future decisions less painful. We suggest you start here

Practise self-love 

A relationship can get old if you’re always doing the same few things. As you enter your second, third, or maybe even seventh year of conscientious savings, make sure to keep aside some funds for self-love. This could be that bi-monthly massage for your mental and physical well-being or that trip you’ve been looking forward to.

Self-care is the best care and we’re heartened that respondents to the GXS Progress Quotient Survey indicated they are starting to prioritise physical and mental wellbeing. Being in a good place physically and mentally will make tackling that next big goal that much easier. 

Keep it fun 

What better way to inject spice into the relationship than doing what you love? Almost 4 in 10 of our youngest respondents (those aged 15 to 24) said they were likely to engage in side hustles,  reflective of their desire for supplementary income while pursuing passion projects! Why not dig deep and go back to the things that make you happy; it could be a first step to take the dread out of earning. 

Now that you know the best practices, don’t leave it to chance! A whopping 4 in 10 respondents said chance will play a significant role in affecting their potential to progress. Instead of being swayed by something so fickle, let’s go out and seize the day. 

Psst: We have a whole lot more insights in our GXS Progress Quotient, our inaugural white paper and the first in Singapore focused on how people feel about money. Be sure to check it out here.